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Going aloft with a fresh writing prompt for bloggers

Sometimes it takes a little extra reaching to come up with a bright new idea for a blog post, sketch, journal entry, short story, poem, photo, or other creative work.

Here’s one to consider:

on cloud nine

Image created by this user on text generator.

And here’s an oldie that seems to fit here:

"Cloud Nine" - The Temptations (1969)

“I’m doin’ fine

On cloud nine.

Let me tell you about cloud nine.”
I’m not exactly sure how this phrase originated, although I did a little exploring. It seems to have had something to do with varying cloud altitudes. A cloud labeled “nine” would be regarded as quite lofty. Presumably, a person on cloud nine (if that were even possible) would be floating way up high.

How does such a concept make you feel? What creative ideas does it foster?

Please consider linking to the Meme Express, if you use this prompt. And c’mon back with a comment link to your own post, so my readers can find it!

Word graphic created by
The Meme Express
on online generator

Feel free to follow on GooglePlus and Twitter.


Popping in with a whopping new blog prompt

Feeling a little choosy about coming up with fresh creative ideas to update your own blog site? Try this keyword on for size:



Where does that lead your imagination? What new concepts does it spark? Develop your own idea – in artwork, photography, words, or another form. Put it up on your own site. Then let us know!

Please consider linking to the Meme Express, if you use this prompt. And c’mon back with a comment link to your own post, so my readers can find it!

Word graphic created by
The Meme Express
on online generator

Feel free to follow on GooglePlus and Twitter.

Makin’ music with a sweet blog prompt

Ready to burst into song with a new blog post? Got something to crow about? Tune in for this new blog / writing keyword phrase:

for a song

Chime in anytime, airing your own new post on your own blog site! Make it sing!

Please consider linking to the Meme Express, if you use this prompt. And c’mon back with a comment link to your own post, so my readers can find it!

Word graphic created by
The Meme Express
on online generator

Feel free to follow on GooglePlus and Twitter.