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Sunday Invitation - for February 28th

Sunday Invitation – for February 28th  

You’re invited! Here’s an invitation to SIMPLY SNICKERS – home of weekly poetry prompts, accompanied by classic fine art. Here’s this week’s sampling:

Trois Têtes d'Hommes en Telation avec le Lion
By Charles le Brun

It's Sunday again, and the MEME EXPRESS invites you to join us at SIMPLY SNICKERS for today's prompt:


You will find a bit of background and some lovely fine art for the occasion. Use the art and prompting questions, or not. It's your choice! Just click the SIMPLY SNICKERS icon to visit and view today's poetry prompt (or the archives):

Don't forget to c'mon back and leave a link to your post!

Be sure to leave your comment link
and increase your blog readership.

Be sure to bookmark the MEME EXPRESS . . . so you can come back tomorrow for a new blogging prompt!  

Saturday Stops - Disaster

All Aboard the Meme Express – Saturday, February 27, 2010

What? Another massive earthquake?

Overnight, a huge earthquake occurred near Santiago, Chile. This quake, Occurring February 26th, followed the disastrous Haitian earthquake of 2010 (and other recent earthquakes) all too closely.

The Chilean earthquake measured 8.8 on the Richter Scale. Death counts have been estimated at nearly 80 (at least). Significant destruction has been reported – from Santiago to Concepcion – with numerous injuries and collapsed buildings.

This is the biggest earthquake to hit Chile in 25 years.

Aftershocks are underway, with some measuring as high as 6.9 in the Latin American country of Chile.

Tsunami warnings have been issued for such South Pacific areas as Hawaii and Japan. Authorities have alerted Pacific region residents that the potential tsunami could take about 24 hours to reach their areas.

Today’s blog prompt at the Meme Express is simply:


Why not write your own blog post today? 
Perhaps this concept will inspire you to create and post a drawing, a poem, a photograph, a short story, or a journal entry. Then return here to leave a comment with your link. (Be sure to include a link to the Meme Express. Grab our train graphic from the sidebar for your link, if you want.)
Need help making an active link?
Feel free to bookmark it for future reference!

Of course, if this prompt seems to stump you, feel free to peruse the archives of the Meme Express and publish a blog post on an earlier prompt.

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Friday Freedom - Feb 26th

All Aboard the Meme Express – Friday, February 26, 2010

TGIF – Thank God it’s Friday!

Today is Friday Freedom at the Meme Express. Pick your subject for your blog post. Pound that keyboard to your heart’s delight on your favorite topic!

Did you know . . .

French novelist Victor Hugo was born on February 26, 1802. Victor Hugo’s most famous books, now considered classic literature, include The Hunchback of Notre Dame and Les Miserables.

What is Friday Freedom? It’s a Writer’s Choice blogging prompt. Post what you like (on your own blog), and return here to leave a comment with your link. (See “Super-Simple Linking” for instructions on creating active links.)

In your blog post today, be sure to include a link to the Meme Express. Feel free to grab our train graphic from the sidebar, and post an active link on your own blog. Why not add the Meme Express to your blogroll?

Note: If you participate regularly at the Meme Express, and you would like to join our blogroll, please let us know in your comment. We’d be happy to add you, if you play often.

Need help making an active link?
Feel free to bookmark it for future reference!

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Thursday Thinking and Inking - Whale

All Aboard the Meme Express – Thursday, February 25, 2010

Yesterday, a tragic event occurred at Sea World Orlando. A giant killer whale slew his trainer, Dawn Brancheau, as the audience at Shamu Stadium watched. Apparently, the orca had been linked to previous human deaths as well.

Here’s the story:

A killer whale killed a female marine animal trainer in the Sea World Orlando Shamu Stadium. The tragedy occurred before a live audience during the Shamu Show at the Florida theme park. The 12,300-pound orca has been connected to previous human deaths.

What do you think about that? How do you feel about humans interacting with killer whales? What's your take on marine shows - and about wild animals training in captivity?

Here’s an anonymous quotation for Thursday Thinking and Inking at Meme Express.

“Consider the whale:
It never gets into trouble
until it comes up and starts spouting.”

Each Thursday, we offer feature a quotation as inspiration for that day’s prompt.

The Meme Express for today is simple:


Where will this prompt take you? Perhaps this concept will inspire you to create and post a drawing, a poem, a photograph, a short story, or a journal entry.  Then return here to leave a comment with your link. (Be sure to include a link to the Meme Express. Grab our train graphic from the sidebar for your link, if you want.)

Need help making an active link?
Feel free to bookmark it for future reference!

Of course, if this blogging prompt leaves you baffled, feel free to peruse the archives of the Meme Express and publish a blog post on an earlier prompt.

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Midweek Musical Memories - What Is Life?

All Aboard the Meme Express – Wednesday, February 24, 2010

George Harrison (one of the Fab Four, known as The Beatles) was born on February 24, 1943. One of George Harrison’s hit solo singles was “What Is Life?” (from his All Things Must Pass album).

Eric Clapton joined George Harrison on a concert tour in Japan in 1991, performing “What Is Life” with the former Beatle.

(Turn your computer speakers up – it’s an OLD music video.)


Today is Wednesday - and Midweek Musical Memories at the Meme Express. The Meme Express for today offers this ponderous prompt:

What is life?

Perhaps this concept will inspire you to create a drawing, a poem, a short story, or a journal entry.  Then return here to leave a comment with your link. (Be sure to include a link to the Meme Express. Grab our train graphic from the sidebar for your link, if you want.)

Need help making an active link?
Feel free to bookmark it for future reference!

Of course, if this prompt seems to stump you, feel free to peruse the archives of the Meme Express and publish a blog post on an earlier prompt.

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Pick-a-Prompt - February 23rd

All Aboard the Meme Express – Tuesday, February 23, 2010

February 23rd is Spay Day. Has your dog or cat been spayed or neutered? What is your opinion on this issue? What does your veterinarian have to say about it?

Have you ever visited an animal shelter? Perhaps you have even adopted a dog or a cat or another pet from an animal shelter. Why not blog about your pet adoption experience today?

How do you find a qualified and compassionate veterinarian for your family’s pets? What advice would you give to others, who are seeking a new veterinarian?

Today the Meme Express offers you a choice: Pick-a-Prompt. (You can write about pets and vets – or whatever you want – today.)

Scroll down the right-hand sidebar, and select any previous Meme Express writing prompt from the blog archives. Or look through the Pick-a-Prompt labels list for a topic that interests you. Publish your blog post, and return here with a comment and link, so other Meme Express participants can find and read your post.

Post your poem, story, song, photo or other entry on your blog. (Be sure to include a link to the Meme Express. Grab our train graphic from the sidebar for your link, if you want.)

Then come back here, and post a comment with a link to your own entry.

Need help making an active link?
Feel free to bookmark it for future reference!

Of course, if this prompt seems to stump you, you are free to peruse the archives of the Meme Express and publish a blog post on an earlier prompt.

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Monday Mayhem - 40 Winks

All Aboard the Meme Express – Monday, February 22, 2010

Another Monday. Are you awake?

Here’s Monday Mayhem at the Meme Express. The Meme Express for today offers this mixed-up prompt. Maybe these prompt words will wake up your imagination.

Choose as many of the following prompt words as you can for your blog post today:

Who knows? Perhaps these blogging prompt words will inspire you to create a drawing, a poem, a short story, or a journal entry.  Post away! Then return here to leave a comment with your link to your own blog post. (Be sure to include a link to the Meme Express. Grab our train graphic from the sidebar for your link, if you want.)

Need help making an active link?
Feel free to bookmark it for future reference!

Of course, if this prompt seems to stump you, feel free to peruse the archives of the Meme Express and publish a blog post on an earlier prompt.

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Sunday Invitation - for February 21st

Sunday Invitation – for February 21st   

Whoosh! Another blustery winter day!

It’s time for an invitation to SIMPLY SNICKERS – home of weekly poetry prompts, accompanied by classic fine art. Here’s this week’s sampling:

Crows Perching on Trees
By Charles-Francois Daubigny
It's Sunday again, and the MEME EXPRESS invites you to join us at SIMPLY SNICKERS for today's prompt:

You will find a bit of background and some lovely fine art for the occasion. Use the art and prompting questions, or not. It's your choice! Just click the SIMPLY SNICKERS icon to visit and view today's poetry prompt (or the archives):

Don't forget to c'mon back and leave a link to your post!

Be sure to leave your comment link
and increase your blog readership.

Be sure to bookmark the MEME EXPRESS . . . so you can come back tomorrow for a new blogging prompt!  


Saturday Stops - Dental

All Aboard the Meme Express – Saturday, February 20, 2010

Here’s a weekend blogging prompt you can sink your teeth into:

The Meme Express prompt for today is:


Why not write your own blog post today?  Brush up your writing skills, and jaw on this subject a bit.

When did you last see your dentist? Do you enjoy going to the dentist, or must loved ones fight you - tooth and nail - to keep those dental appointments? Do you like your dental hygienist? Do you have any scary dentist stories to share?  How about funny dentist stories?
 Perhaps this concept will inspire you to create and post a drawing, a poem, a photograph, a short story, or a journal entry. Then return here to leave a comment with your link. (Be sure to include a link to the Meme Express. Grab our train graphic from the sidebar for your link, if you want.)

Need help making an active link?
Feel free to bookmark it for future reference!

Of course, if this prompt seems to stump you, feel free to peruse the archives of the Meme Express and publish a blog post on an earlier prompt.

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Friday Freedom - Feb 19th

All Aboard the Meme Express – Friday, February 19, 2010

Are you watching the Winter Olympic Games?  Maybe you are in Vancouver, British Columbia, participating in this global and multi-cultural sports event. Perhaps you know someone who is competing for your country in the Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver.

Here's the top medal count, as of this morning (listing gold, silver, bronze and total medals):

United States 

Why not write a report or blog post about the Winter Olympic Games? Publish a profile of your favorite Olympian, past or present.

Have you ever attended the Winter Olympic Games - or even competed?

Did you know . . . this year’s Winter Olympic medals – gold, silver and bronze – are actually all green (at least, figuratively)? Yep! The 2010 Winter Olympic medals are made from recycled technological products, such as printed circuit boards.

Today is Friday Freedom at the Meme Express
Pick your sport … or subject.

What is Friday Freedom? It’s a Writer’s Choice blogging prompt. Post what you like (on your own blog), and return here to leave a comment with your link. (See “Super-Simple Linking” for instructions on creating active links.)

In your blog post today, be sure to include a link to the Meme Express. Feel free to grab our train graphic from the sidebar, and post an active link on your own blog. Why not add the Meme Express to your blogroll?

Note: If you participate regularly at the Meme Express, and you would like to join our blogroll, please let us know in your comment. We’d be happy to add you, if you play often.

Need help making an active link?
Feel free to bookmark it for future reference!

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Thursday Thinking and Inking - Path

All Aboard the Meme Express – Thursday, February 18, 2010

Award-winning Chinese-American author Amy Tan was born on February 19, 1952. Amy Tan may be best known for her popular books, The Hundred Secret Senses and The Joy Luck Club.

Honoring the birthday of best-selling author Amy Tan, we present out this quotation for Thursday Thinking and Inking at Meme Express.

“There are a lot of people
who think that's what's needed to be successful
is always being right,
 always being careful,
always picking the right path.
Amy Tan

Each Thursday, we offer feature a quotation as inspiration for that day’s prompt.

The Meme Express for today is simple:


Where will this prompt take you? Perhaps this concept will inspire you to create and post a drawing, a poem, a photograph, a short story, or a journal entry.  Then return here to leave a comment with your link. (Be sure to include a link to the Meme Express. Grab our train graphic from the sidebar for your link, if you want.)

Need help making an active link?
Feel free to bookmark it for future reference!

Of course, if this blogging prompt leaves you baffled, feel free to peruse the archives of the Meme Express and publish a blog post on an earlier prompt.

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Midweek Musical Memories - Handy Man

All Aboard the Meme Express – Wednesday, February 17, 2010

On February 17, 1960, Jimmy Jones hammered his way to the top of the American popular music charts with his hit single, “Handy Man.”

Are you pretty handy with a hammer and nails? Can you get down to brass tacks - or to the nuts and bolts of a situation - rather quickly? Do you wear a tool belt for home repair projects, or do you simply attack broken items with duct tape or Krazy Glue?

Is Extreme Home Makeover on your weekly television play-list? (Ladies: Do you want a Ty for Mother's Day?)

Today is Wednesday - and Midweek Musical Memories at the Meme Express. Here’s “Handy Man,” by Jimmy Jones:


The Meme Express for today offers this practical prompt:

handy man

Perhaps this concept will inspire you to create a drawing, a poem, a short story, or a journal entry.  Then return here to leave a comment with your link. (Be sure to include a link to the Meme Express. Grab our train graphic from the sidebar for your link, if you want.)

Need help making an active link?
Feel free to bookmark it for future reference!

Of course, if this prompt seems to stump you, feel free to peruse the archives of the Meme Express and publish a blog post on an earlier prompt.

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Pick-a-Prompt - February 16th

All Aboard the Meme Express – Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Winter Olympics are in full swing. Are you counting medals yet? Who’s your favorite Winter Olympic Games athlete? Which Winter Olympic Games event do you like the best?

Today the Meme Express offers you a choice: Pick-a-Prompt

Scroll down the right-hand sidebar, and select any previous Meme Express writing prompt from the blog archives. 
Or look through the Pick-a-Prompt labels list for a topic that interests you. 
Publish your blog post, and return here with a comment and link, so other Meme Express participants can find and read your post.

Post your poem, story, song, photo or other entry on your blog. (Be sure to include a link to the Meme Express. Grab our train graphic from the sidebar for your link, if you want.)

Then come back here, and post a comment with a link to your own entry.

Need help making an active link?
Feel free to bookmark it for future reference!

Of course, if this prompt seems to stump you, you are free to peruse the archives of the Meme Express and publish a blog post on an earlier prompt.

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Monday Mayhem - Sweet Mixup

All Aboard the Meme Express – Monday, February 15, 2010

Has the Valentine’s Day sugar high kicked in yet – or are you already crashing? Are you having a post-Valentine's Day chocolate hangover?

What's the cure? (Probably more chocolate.)

Here’s Monday Mayhem at the Meme Express.

The Meme Express for today offers this mixed-up prompt. Choose as many prompt words as you can for your blog post today:

Who knows? Perhaps these blogging prompt words will inspire you to create a drawing, a poem, a short story, or a journal entry.  Post away! Then return here to leave a comment with your link to your own blog post. (Be sure to include a link to the Meme Express. Grab our train graphic from the sidebar for your link, if you want.)

Need help making an active link?
Feel free to bookmark it for future reference!

Of course, if this prompt seems to stump you, we welcome you to peruse the archives of the Meme Express and publish a blog post on an earlier prompt of your own choosing.

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