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Storming through with a fresh blog prompt

Several regions of the United States have been experiencing some significant meteorological patterns lately. That brings us to a keyword phrase to pour into creative imaginations. See where this one takes you!

under the weather

Write a blog post. Come up with a poem or short story. Take some photos. Sketch a scene. Draw a map. The choice is yours.

Please consider linking to the Meme Express, if you use this prompt. And c’mon back with a comment link to your own post, so my readers can find it!

Word graphic created by
The Meme Express
on online generator

Feel free to follow on GooglePlus and Twitter.


Pound out a post with a new blog prompt

Stop banging your head against the proverbial wall, trying to come up with a novel idea for a blog entry. Here’s a hearty keyword phrase to smack imaginations into action:

 pack a wallop

What does that even mean? What is a “wallop”? Dictionaries define it as a hard punch, a heavy hit, or even an alcoholic drink (which might also be known as a hard punch). So there you have it.

Please consider linking to the Meme Express, if you use this prompt. And c’mon back with a comment link to your own post, so my readers can find it!

Word graphic created by
The Meme Express
on online generator

Feel free to follow on GooglePlus and Twitter.

Zip over for a Z-Day blog prompt.

Zounds! It’s the last day of April’s A to Z Challenge, as well as National Poetry Writing Month (NaPoWriMo). Congratulations to all the finishers!

Here’s a lively (or at least, undead) buzzword prompt for those needing a little extra zest to close out these month-long creative events.


I hope you don’t actually feel like one after composing a month’s worth of blog posts!

Please consider linking to the Meme Express, if you use this prompt. And c’mon back with a comment link to your own post, so my readers can find it!

Word graphics created by
The Meme Express

Feel free to follow on GooglePlus and Twitter. You are invited to visit my Amazon author page as well.