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Blogging through the holidays?


Celebrations are underway. Decorations are done. Gifts are wrapped. Cookies are baked.

 It’s time for a happy and hearty blog prompt:


making merry


Are you blogging about the holidays? Drop your link here!

 And happy holidays!

Image/s: Word graphic created by The Meme Express on online generator


Feel free to follow on Twitter. Find and follow The Meme Express - Blogging Prompts Since 2008 on Facebook. Please visit my Amazon author page as well. And I am happy to share my RUNDERDOG ambassador code for 10% off on Bondi Band Athletic Headbands, Accessories, and Fashions. (Simply enter the code at online checkout.).


Summing it up with a midsummer blog prompt


Think it’s a long, hot summer or a too-short sweet season? Tell your tale (in words and/or pictures) with this new keyword phrase blog prompt:

long story short

Once you spew your spiel or pass along your pictures (on your own site), c’mon back and share your link, so we can all find it.

Image/s: Word graphic created by The Meme Express on online generator


Feel free to follow on Twitter. Find and follow The Meme Express - Blogging Prompts Since 2008 on Facebook. Please visit my Amazon author page as well. And I am happy to share my RUNDERDOG ambassador code for 10% off on Bondi Band Athletic Headbands, Accessories, and Fashions. (Simply enter the code at online checkout.).

Dancing up a storm with another blog prompt


Skip and dip, swing and sway, twirl and whirl. It’s time for another creative blog prompt. This one’s got rhythm:

two to tango

 Kick up your heels in whatever creative fashion suits your fancy. Then two-step on back with a comment linking to your own post.


Image/s: Word graphic created by The Meme Express on online generator


Feel free to follow on Twitter. Find and follow The Meme Express - Blogging Prompts Since 2008 on Facebook. Please visit my Amazon author page as well. And I am happy to share my RUNDERDOG ambassador code for 10% off on Bondi Band Athletic Headbands, Accessories, and Fashions. (Simply enter the code at online checkout.).