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Summing it up with a midsummer blog prompt


Think it’s a long, hot summer or a too-short sweet season? Tell your tale (in words and/or pictures) with this new keyword phrase blog prompt:

long story short

Once you spew your spiel or pass along your pictures (on your own site), c’mon back and share your link, so we can all find it.

Image/s: Word graphic created by The Meme Express on online generator


Feel free to follow on Twitter. Find and follow The Meme Express - Blogging Prompts Since 2008 on Facebook. Please visit my Amazon author page as well. And I am happy to share my RUNDERDOG ambassador code for 10% off on Bondi Band Athletic Headbands, Accessories, and Fashions. (Simply enter the code at online checkout.).

Dancing up a storm with another blog prompt


Skip and dip, swing and sway, twirl and whirl. It’s time for another creative blog prompt. This one’s got rhythm:

two to tango

 Kick up your heels in whatever creative fashion suits your fancy. Then two-step on back with a comment linking to your own post.


Image/s: Word graphic created by The Meme Express on online generator


Feel free to follow on Twitter. Find and follow The Meme Express - Blogging Prompts Since 2008 on Facebook. Please visit my Amazon author page as well. And I am happy to share my RUNDERDOG ambassador code for 10% off on Bondi Band Athletic Headbands, Accessories, and Fashions. (Simply enter the code at online checkout.).

Reaching for a new blog prompt

 By hook or by crook, here’s a new keyword phrase blog prompt to unwind imaginations.

bent out of shape

Maybe you dance the Twist or practice yoga. You might knit or crochet. You may spin yarns or weave words. You could bend others’ ears with intriguing stories, helpful instruction, or news reports. Whatever you post, you are invited to return and drop a comment with a link to it, so our readers can find it.

 Image/s: Word graphic created by The Meme Express on online generator


Feel free to follow on Twitter. Find and follow The Meme Express - Blogging Prompts Since 2008 on Facebook. Please visit my Amazon author page as well. And I am happy to share my RUNDERDOG ambassador code for 10% off on Bondi Band Athletic Headbands, Accessories, and Fashions. (Simply enter the code at online checkout.).