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Give ‘em the slip with this blog prompt!


This could go in multiple directions. Are we talking office politics or ladies’ lace-ware? Walking papers or slippery satin?

It’s up to you!


pink slip


Image/s: Word graphic created by The Meme Express on online generator


Feel free to follow on X. Find and follow The Meme Express - Blogging Prompts Since 2008 on Facebook. Please visit my Amazon author page as well.

Catch up with cronies with a new blog prompt


Networking is big business these days. What’s the secret to strategic schmoozing? Is it worth all the collaborative chitchat and political pitter-patter? This keyword phrase begs these questions:




Draft a dialogue. Sketch out a story. Pen a poem. See where this synergistic subject leads you.


Image/s: Word graphic created by The Meme Express on online generator


Feel free to follow on X. Find and follow The Meme Express - Blogging Prompts Since 2008 on Facebook. Please visit my Amazon author page as well.

Make your voice heard with a fresh blogging prompt


Ever feel like you’re going round and round, spinning like a cog in the machine? Stop the circuit. It’s time to make a new statement with this blog prompt:


squeaky wheel


Give it a whirl. You don’t have to reinvent the … well, you know.


Image/s: Word graphic created by The Meme Express on online generator


Feel free to follow on X. Find and follow The Meme Express - Blogging Prompts Since 2008 on Facebook. Please visit my Amazon author page as well.

Tiptoe out of trouble with a new blog prompt


Step out of the shadows. It’s time for another keyword phrase for bloggers.




Sounds spooky? Nah. Only if you ignore your own creativity.


Image/s: Word graphic created by The Meme Express on online generator


Feel free to follow on X. Find and follow The Meme Express - Blogging Prompts Since 2008 on Facebook. Please visit my Amazon author page as well.

Follow your dreams with a new blog prompt


Why waste your time tilting at windmills? Reach for the arc of your best creativity with this colorful keyword phrase.


chasing rainbows


Maybe you’ll find a pot of gold after all!


Image/s: Word graphic created by The Meme Express on online generator


Feel free to follow on X. Find and follow The Meme Express - Blogging Prompts Since 2008 on Facebook. Please visit my Amazon author page as well.