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Look Lively!

La-la-la, April A to Z bloggers and National Poetry Month (NaPoWriMo) writers.

It's L Day!

No ads or spam, please. (Those will be flagged, tagged, and bagged.)

And happy A-Z and NaPoWrimo to all. Here we go, leaping into the third week of these online challenges in the world of letters!

Like it or lump it, it's a labor of love.

Lock in a link to your A to Z / NaPoWriMo entry for the day, by leaving a comment below.

1 comment:

  1. I'm feeling Lively today with my special Sunday Chocolate Nut coffee in me. And I also have something for you to Look at. :)

    Random Musings from the KristenHead — L is for 'Longmire' and 'Lost' (and Loddy)
