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The April A-Z Challenge and NaPoWriMo start soon!

Are you in? 

April is a big month for bloggers, with the A to Z Blogging Challenge bringing a month of alphabetic posts. It’s also NaPoWriMo, or National Poetry Writing Month.

And it all begins in just a few days!
Does your blog need a boost?

Stick around.

You are invited to follow, join, or subscribe to the Meme Express, so you won’t miss a single post.

The Meme Express will offer daily alphabetic posts, from A to Z, in April.

 You are welcome to visit The Meme Express throughout the month and leave a comment with a link to your A-Z post for each day.

Who’s ready to dive into the April A to Z Blogging Challenge and NaPoWriMo? All aboard!

NaPoWriMo artwork created by LAN/Nickers and Ink at Flaming Text.

April A-Z promo logo - fair use

Feel free to follow on GooglePlus and Twitter. You are also invited to join this writer's fan page, as well as the Equestrian Examiner and Madison Equestrian Examiner on Facebook.

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1 comment:

  1. I'm signed up for the A-Z challenge and ready to go, I'm looking forward to delving into some of your writing prompts sometime in May :)
