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All Aboard the Meme Express – Wednesday, October 8, 2008

On October 8, 1871, the Great Chicago Fire began. According to Windy City legend, a cow kicked a lantern over in Mrs. Patrick O’Leary’s Barn on Chicago’s DeKoven Street. The resulting conflagration destroyed nearly four square miles of property and killed close to 300 people.

Along this theme, the Meme Express offers a classic James Taylor song, “Fire and Rain,” to get your creative impulses started.

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The Meme Express prompt today is all about fire:

Have you ever been in a fire?

Have you ever lost anything of value to you in a fire?

How many smoke alarms do you have in your home?

Have you ever experienced a fire alarm in a strange place?

What is the oddest thing that ever happened to you in a fire drill?

Do you believe Mrs. O'Leary actually started the Great Chicago Fire of 1871?

What gets you fired up?

Post what you like (on your own blog). How about a drawing, a poem, a short story, or a journal entry? Then return here to leave a comment with your link. (Be sure to include a link to the Meme Express. Grab our train graphic from the sidebar for your link, if you want.)

Need help making an active link?

See Super-Simple Linking.

Feel free to bookmark it for future reference!

Of course, if this prompt seems to stump you, feel free to peruse the archives of the Meme Express and publish a blog post on an earlier prompt.

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