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Take a Hike

All Aboard the Meme Express – Monday, November 17, 2008

November 17th is National Take a Hike Day in the United States. In some venues, this holiday has evolved into Tell Your Boss to Take a Hike Day.

Here’s a song that seems to fit this unorthodox occasion:



Today, the Meme Express prompt is simple: “Take a Hike.”

Do you like to hike?

If you could take a hike anywhere in the world, where would you go?

Do you have hiking photos you would like to share today?

Would you like to tell your boss to take a hike?

Would you like to invite someone else to take a hike?

Have you ever been asked to take a hike?

Perhaps this concept will inspire you to create a drawing, a poem, a short story, or a journal entry. Then return here to leave a comment with your link. (Be sure to include a link to the Meme Express. Grab our train graphic from the sidebar for your link, if you want.)

Need help making an active link?

See Super-Simple Linking.

Feel free to bookmark it for future reference!

Of course, if this prompt seems to stump you, feel free to peruse the archives of the Meme Express and publish a blog post on an earlier prompt.

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