Today, on the last day of the month of July, we mark the end of Anti-Boredom Month.
“Boredom is the root of all evil –
the despairing refusal to be oneself. “
Soren Kierkegaard
Danish philosopher
(1813 – 1855)
“Boredom is rage spread thin.”
Paul Tillich
German theologian
(1886 – 1965)
“Boredom: the desire for desires.”
Leo Tolstoy
Russian novelist
(1828 – 1910)
Today, our Meme Express prompt is all about boredom busters.
How did you occupy yourself this month?
What did you do for fun and intrigue?
Did you visit an exciting place?
Who is the most intriguing person you know? Why?
How do you bust boredom?
You are free to use the image and quotation/s or not. See what excites your own imagination!
Post your poem, story, song, photo or other entry on your blog. (Be sure to include a link to the Meme Express. Grab our train graphic from the sidebar for your link, if you want.)
Then come back here, and post a comment with a link to your own entry. (Need help making an active link? See Super-Simple Linking. Feel free to bookmark it for future reference!)
Of course, if this prompt seems to stump you, you are free to peruse the archives of the Meme Express and publish a blog post on an earlier prompt.