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Z is zipping to the finish line with A-Z Challenge participants


April has zigzagged its way past us, as A to Z Blogging and NaPoWriMo (National Poetry Writing Month) entries have whizzed across cyberspace.

Want readers to zero in on your Z-Day blog post?

You probably know the drill by now. Zap off a comment. Be sure to include a hyperlink to your Z-Day post.

‘Zat’s all, folks.

Letter Delivery

Vintage artwork – public domain

Feel free to follow on GooglePlus and Twitter. You are also invited to join this writer's fan page, as well as the Equestrian Examiner and Madison Equestrian Examiner on Facebook.

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Y stands for yodeling about your A-Z blog posts.


It’s Y-Day for April A to Z Challenge participants. And yikes! The collection is nearly complete.

Yes, you may leave a comment with a title-link to your own Y-post.

You know you wanna.

Letter Delivery
Vintage artwork – public domain

Feel free to follow on GooglePlus and Twitter. You are also invited to join this writer's fan page, as well as the Equestrian Examiner and Madison Equestrian Examiner on Facebook.

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X is exhibiting exits to excellent X-word blog posts.

Excuse me. 

That’s quite a load of consonants. But you get the point. If you’ve been playing along with the April A to Z Blogging Challenge all month, then you know exactly what to do.

Exercise your ability to express yourself in a blog comment, and include a link to your X-Day post.

And the countdown continues … with two more days for A to Z bloggers.


Letter Delivery

Vintage artwork – public domain

Feel free to follow on GooglePlus and Twitter. You are also invited to join this writer's fan page, as well as the Equestrian Examiner and Madison Equestrian Examiner on Facebook.

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W is for welcoming wanderers to W-Day blog posts.


We’ve nearly whisked our way through the entire April A to Z Challenge. Whee! Just three more posts to go!

Where is your wonderful W-post? 

Walk us through, with a link to your W-Day entry.
Letter Delivery
Vintage artwork – public domain

Feel free to follow on GooglePlus and Twitter. You are also invited to join this writer's fan page, as well as the Equestrian Examiner and Madison Equestrian Examiner on Facebook.

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V is for verifying A-Z blog posts in online comments.


That’s the sound of various readers, voyaging across cyberspace to read A to Z Blogging Challenge and NaPoWriMo (National Poetry Writing Month) posts on V-Day.

Is your V-post up? 

Want to share the link in a comment below, so The Meme Express followers can find it?

Verrrrry nice.


Letter Delivery

Vintage artwork – public domain

Feel free to follow on GooglePlus and Twitter. You are also invited to join this writer's fan page, as well as the Equestrian Examiner and Madison Equestrian Examiner on Facebook.

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