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N is naming April A-Z posts for readers to notice.

Now – now – now.

Naturally, we’re reached a notable occasion. It’s N-Day for A to Z bloggers. NaPoWriMo wordsmiths, how nice! We’ve passed the halfway point.

Whatever your niche, you are invited to leave a comment with a link-back to your N-post.

Letter Delivery
Vintage artwork – public domain

Feel free to follow on GooglePlus and Twitter. You are also invited to join this writer's fan page, as well as the Equestrian Examiner and Madison Equestrian Examiner on Facebook.

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  1. I'm really enjoying the A to Z challenge along with the Ultimate Blog Challenge. For the A to Z, I'm doing a series on WordPress Plugins. N is for the Newsletter Sign Up Plugin

  2. Hmm. I'm not a part of the A-Z thing, but I am dropping by the UBC. ;p And, odd enough, I don't think I have one post that focuses on a word that starts with the letter N. :/

  3. Hi there. My N post is Night Time of The Soul - a blog and SONG about those difficult sleepless nights when you question everything about your life.

    Feel free to swing by.

  4. I'm enjoying the A-Z challenge to write a blog post each day and I love reading all the creative ideas that others come up with. My topic for today is N is for Numbers and pokes gentle fun at my numbers aversion.

    Cattitude and Gratitude

  5. Stopping by from the UBC, but I'm not doing A-Z, my post starts with S today.
