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Examining Exciting or Extravagant Subjects for Blogging

Examining Exciting or Extravagant Subjects for Blogging

X marks the spot for W Day for the A to Z Challenge.

OK, I admit it. Not all of these prompt words actually start with the letter X. However, if you have been blogging all month, using every letter of the alphabet today, you deserve a little bit of eXtravagance today. So let’s not be eXacting and eXasperate ourselves!

Just have fun, as you eXercise your own creativity.

Happy A to Z!

Be sure to bookmark the Meme Express, so you can return for additional blogging prompts, as the A to Z Challenge continues throughout April.

Please leave a comment below (with a link to your post), so readers can visit your blog!

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  1. Xenophobia:

    Something about the religion based riots that happened in Bombay, India in 1993

  2. Ha! I agree (and I took a bit of leeway with the X-post). :O)

    I’m A_Z Blogging and my “X” post is right here.

  3. Here's my eXciting X blog:
