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Finding Fine Fancies for Blogging Topics

Finding Fine Fancies for Blogging Topics

It’s F Day. What fanciful foibles can you find for the day? Feel like flitting about in your favorite flannel pajamas and flip-flops, rather than fitting yourself with fine fashions? Have you found fingerprints on that film from your fishing trip with your fraternity?

F is also for follow. Find out about blog following (and how to find followers) in "How to Find Interesting Blogs to Follow," an informative online article by Marie Anne St. Jean.

Focusing on F-words, find facts on freelance writing here:

Happy A to Z!

Don’t forget to bookmark the Meme Express, so you can return for additional blogging prompts, as the A to Z Challenge continues throughout April.

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  1. :) Your posts are always a font for prompts !

  2. Thanks for the links!

  3. Foible is one of my favourite words. I don't see it often enough ;)
