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Volatile or Valuable Topics for Blogging Entries

Volatile or Valuable Topics for Blogging Entries

It’s V Day for the A to Z Challenge. Save the vacuum for later, and breathe deep the vapors of vitality, rather than the voice of vanity. Visit a vineyard, or remove a violating virus from your system.

Veer for value and veracity. Watch your readership grow, as we complete the A to Z Challenge this week and pursue bonus blogging afterwards.

Here’s a helpful reminder. Tuesday is Pick-a-Prompt day at the Meme Express. That means you can pick any past prompt from the sidebar, if you wish. Alliterate with V-words today for extra interest, if you can.

Happy A to Z!

Don’t forget to bookmark the Meme Express, so you can return for additional blogging prompts, as the A to Z Challenge continues throughout April.

Please leave a comment below (with a link to your post), so readers can visit your blog!

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Feel free to bookmark it for future reference!

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  1. I think you'll be getting lots of visitors looking for ideas while were blogging back from Z to A!

    I’m A-Z Blogging, and my “V” post is right here.

  2. Victorious! My latest blog is here:

  3. I made it through with vampire, violets, veterans, vanilla wafers and one blog covered value, volume, and verbose.
